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Happiness and the Clients



Happiness and the Clients

We talk about results, figures, conversions, impact, but we never (or almost never) talk about happiness

A while ago, during our regular team meetings, and after beginning the search for new talents for the studio, we reached to a group conclusion: we really dislike the term “Human Resource” or “Human Capital”. Deeply. But not only when applied to the members of the team, but also to any member of the working community, especially, the clients.

Part of our philosophy is to think clients as much more than clients (and, thus, projects as much more than projects). Why? Because, among other things, with a “resource” you get in touch, however, with an “individual”, you have a relationship. The “capital” can be obtained, but “clients” are an essential part of the structure we build for each project, piece or design we develop.

In our imagination, we establish with our co-workers a multi-dimensional relationship. They aren’t an asset, they are a vital part of our working life, and, therefore, people that demand the same as in any other relationship: active listening, commitment and care to nourish, improve and strengthen the bond every day.


A few months ago, after our weekly meetings to review projects’ status, the idea to make a list came up intuitively, but a list of clients, not projects: a control panel that arranged deadlines, persons in charge of each area, type of project, etc. But something was missing: the human factor. That’s how the idea to add a new column in which, far from being cold, we could assess our perception of the status of our relationship with our clients was born.

How does this work? It’s very simple and useful at the same time. We grade from 1 to 10 how we see our relationship with the client —how much they love us, if they are happy or angry, if the relationship is smooth or tense. It’s a real mood board in the most literal sense; internally, we call it “Sense of Happiness”. This board, apart from providing weekly appraisals, contributes with something essential to us: we can quickly identify the real priority. This way we learn who do we need to talk to, which is the priority, where should we be more efficient and double our efforts.

Because projects are much more than deadlines, they are the source of happiness, and happiness is what make things work better for us.